Therapeutic massage has many documented, positive effects: stress reduction, decreased anxiety, and an improved sense of well-being. Lake Health/University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center has offered patients a therapeutic massage service for over eleven years. A therapist is available to our patients to provide massage therapy at no cost to them.
Patients can schedule up to 10 massage sessions. Each massage session is typically scheduled during or after your regular oncology treatments, lasts 25-30 minutes and includes a soft tissue upper body massage. For your own safety, the therapist will assist you when getting on and off the massage table. Please consult your physician if you think you could benefit from massage therapy. In addition, Reiki and other techniques are available to aid in stress reduction and relaxation.
To schedule a massage, visit or call our front desk at (440) 205-5755. Please check in with the receptionist when you arrive for your appointment so your therapist can be notified that you are ready. If you are unable to make it to an appointment, please call to notify us as soon as possible to cancel the appointment. Feel free to bring a member of your family with you for your own comfort.