LH/UH Seidman Cancer Center is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your gift is tax-deductible to the extend allowed by law.

Your donation to LH/UH Seidman Cancer Center will help us continue to carry out our mission to provide world-class cancer care and oncology services to residents within driving distance of Mentor and Lake County.

Click the Donate button below to visit our PayPal webpage, where you can donate using a credit card or with your PayPal account.

  • Note that you don’t need to be a PayPal member to donate! Once you get to the PayPal webpage, enter your donation amount.
    • Then donors using Internet Explorer or Firefox/Mozilla browsers can fill out the lower left side of the webpage to donate without using a PayPal account.
    • Chrome browser users may need to click “Continue” on the lower left to reach the page where they can donate with a VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Discover credit card.
  • If you already have a PayPal account, you can log in and donate through your usual methods.